This module was automatically generated from the following grammar:
BasicElements : String <~ doublequote (!doublequote Char)* doublequote Numeric <- Scientific / Floating / Integer / Hexa QualifiedIdentifier <- identifier ( :"." identifier)*
Char <~ backslash ( doublequote # '\' Escapes / quote / backslash / bfnrt / [0-2][0-7][0-7] / [0-7][0-7]? / 'x' Hex Hex / 'u' Hex Hex Hex Hex / 'U' Hex Hex Hex Hex Hex Hex Hex Hex ) / . # Or any char, really Hex <- [0-9a-fA-F]
Scientific <~ Floating ( ('e' / 'E' ) Integer )? Floating <~ Integer ('.' Unsigned )? Unsigned <~ [0-9]+ Integer <~ Sign? Unsigned Hexa <~ [0-9a-fA-F]+ Sign <- '-' / '+' Bool <- "true" / "false"
See Source File
This module was automatically generated from the following grammar:
BasicElements : String <~ doublequote (!doublequote Char)* doublequote Numeric <- Scientific / Floating / Integer / Hexa QualifiedIdentifier <- identifier ( :"." identifier)*
Char <~ backslash ( doublequote # '\' Escapes / quote / backslash / bfnrt / [0-2][0-7][0-7] / [0-7][0-7]? / 'x' Hex Hex / 'u' Hex Hex Hex Hex / 'U' Hex Hex Hex Hex Hex Hex Hex Hex ) / . # Or any char, really Hex <- [0-9a-fA-F]
Scientific <~ Floating ( ('e' / 'E' ) Integer )? Floating <~ Integer ('.' Unsigned )? Unsigned <~ [0-9]+ Integer <~ Sign? Unsigned Hexa <~ [0-9a-fA-F]+ Sign <- '-' / '+' Bool <- "true" / "false"